• Le poisson en croûte de sel, Étang de Lavalduc, 2018 © Manon Letort

  • Sans titre, 56 hectares, 2016 © Manon Letort

  • Sans titre, La digue à la mer, 2016 © Manon Letort

  • Sans titre, Le feu a couru, 2018 © Manon Letort

  • Sans titre, White Rocks, Malte, 2018 © Manon Letort

  • Sans titre, White Rocks, Malte,, 2018 © Manon Letort

Walking and surveying the landscape, Manon Letort points out singular and particular phenomena, points of tension: abandoned sites without means to maintain or preserve them, sites stigmatised or even polluted despite protective measures. Dilapidated sites,
worn out, where the traces and impact of humans are everywhere.
These spaces on the margins thus become zones rich in photographic and literary potential.

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